Clearing house
Forests and trees of the metropolis: benefits, functions and experiences.
Trees and forests are a proven nature-based solution that contribute to sustainable urban development. However, their potential for delivering ecosystem services, enhancing biodiversity and contributing to the wellbeing of urban societies is often underestimated. The CLEARING HOUSE project aims to provide evidence and tools that promote the potential of urban forests as nature-based solutions (UF-NBS) for rehabilitating, reconnecting and restoring urban ecosystems.
CLEARING HOUSE is led by the international organisation, European Forest Institute, and gathers over 26 members from 10 European and Chinese cities and metropolitan areas. Within this framework, the AMB and CREAF join forces to research the development of more resilient cities in view of climate change, and they prioritise urban forests as nature-based solutions.
The project centres on the lower basin of the River Llobregat and seeks to involve people, entities and other local agents from the territory to provide a close and participatory governance model. We therefore propose participating in the Llobregat&CO project through cocreation workshops and other projected activities, to share and create collective knowledge related to nature-based solutions, especially those based on urban forests and woods.
River Llobregat route
Co-creation workshop 8
Co-creation workshop 8
Co-creation workshop 7
Co-creation workshop 5-6
Co-creation workshop 3-4
Co-creation workshop 2
Co-creation workshop 1

UE notice
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°821242. Several Chinese CLEARING HOUSE partners have also contributed to the funding.